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"Legend" star commander for the novice game player tutorial []

2015-04-17 16:10:56来源: TechWeb

在首款3D星际战斗手游《星际传奇》中,想要成为一个出色的星际舰长,需要做出很多的努力。在战队成长过程之中,新手玩家可能会面临各种各样的问题,或者是战力不足,或者是水晶不够用,又或者是不知道如何选择英雄。 为了让新手玩家能少走弯路,更快地独当一面,我们特别整理了一份关于初期游戏的战略情报...

in the first 3D Star battle Mobile Games "star legend", want to become a great star captain, need to make a lot of efforts. In the marine growth process, the novice game player may face a variety of problems, or combat power shortage, or crystal is not enough, or do not know how to choose a hero. In order to let the novice game player can avoid detours, to take charge as chief of faster, we compiled a on the initial strategic intelligence game...

标签: 玩家 星际传奇