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《主宰》QTE回合战斗 英雄守护培养忙

"Master" QTE turn based combat hero to protect culture busy

2015-04-16 17:02:28来源: 07073游戏网

{%画面风格%} 画面风格:本作为偏写实质感的2D画面,游戏整体的色调略显冷硬,阴暗的地牢场景,光线窸窣的丛林等景色无不烘托出一个份神秘的氛围,几个主城场景倒是都呈现出宏大的气质,但作为推图闯关式页游,主城的大小可想而知吧......另外本作比较奇特的地方在于画面整体的质感非常现代化,...

{% style screen screen style: 2D%} as a partial picture of the realistic, the game overall tone slightly cold, murky dungeon scene, light rustle jungle scenery will make a copy of the mysterious atmosphere, several main scene is show great temperament, but as figure Webpage Game checkpoints type, main size one can imagine it... This peculiar place lies in the overall picture of the texture is very modern,...