新关注 > 信息聚合 > 线上海选完美收官 LOL妹子杯赛32强产生

线上海选完美收官 LOL妹子杯赛32强产生

Online audition perfect ending LOL sister cup 32 [information]

2015-04-16 12:12:06来源: IT168

【IT168 资讯】由IT168主办的2015妹子杯LOL大赛的线上海选经过五天的激战,已于4月15日晚间完美收官,32强也脱颖而出。此次大赛自3月份报名以来,受到众多LOL网友的关注,但是由于此次大赛仅限女生参加,所以对于男生来说不失为一种遗憾,好在还可以参加大赛的围观,享受妹子和精彩...

IT168 sponsored by IT168 2015 LOL line in Shanghai sister cup competition. After five days of heavy fighting, have been the perfect ending on the night of April 15th, 32 strong talent showing itself. The contest since March since the application, subject to a number of LOL users attention, but due to the competition for girls only, so for boys is a kind of regret, but also can participate in the competition of the onlookers, and enjoy the wonderful sister...

标签: LOL