新关注 > 信息聚合 > 数百种战术收录 海战世界解析自创战术体系

数百种战术收录 海战世界解析自创战术体系

Hundreds of naval tactics included the world of own tactical system

2015-04-10 18:48:15来源: 新浪

海战世界 CGWR 得分 CGWR:72 位 CGWR介绍 真实的战争,无论是陆战、空战,还是海战,战术永远是一个核心且无法回避的话题。历史上经典的战役无一蕴含着巧妙的战术技巧,如果战争仅剩下正面肉 搏,或者躲在角落放“黑枪”,那世上就不会出现《孙子兵法》这样的经典兵书。《海战世...

sea world CGWR score CGWR:72 CGWR introduced the real war, whether Lu Zhan, or air, naval tactics, is always a core and can not avoid the topic. The classic battle of history without a contains the tactical skills, if only the front war fight, or hide in the corner to put "guns", the world appears "Sun Tzu" this classic books will not. "The battle of th...