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萌宠之战一触即发 《恶魔不要啊》4月13日苹果首发

Adorable pet war be triggered at any moment "devil" in April 13th the first apple

2015-04-10 18:43:27来源: 4399

各位恶魔爱好者们,福音来啦!4月13日,恶魔不要啊就要在AppStore上与大家见面了!恶魔大举来袭,快率领萌宠们作战吧!同时天梯PVP战斗也将火爆打响,小编带各位先睹为快! ▍玩单刷不要啊:真人同屏,PVP互殴 《恶魔不要啊》全球首创真人同屏对战PVP玩法,尽享与人斗的策略竞技乐趣...

don't you devil fans, Gospel! In April 13th, the devil don't have to meet with you at the AppStore! The devil has struck, quickly led the adorable pet battle! At the same time, PVP will also be hot ladder battle started, Xiaobian take you be all eagerness to see it! Man: don't play a single brush live screen, PVP melee "demon" the world's first real don't screen against PVP play, enjoy the fun and competitive fighting strategy...

标签: 苹果