新关注 > 信息聚合 > 洛神有爱婚姻系统 猪八戒照样娶媳妇

洛神有爱婚姻系统 猪八戒照样娶媳妇

Goddess of love marriage system of pig still marry daughter-in-law

2015-04-09 15:14:32来源: 新浪

洛神CGWR 得分 CGWR:567 位 CGWR介绍 都说猪八戒是注定孤独一生的命。在双视角仙侠网游《洛神》中,玩家能够通过猪八戒背媳妇的玩法提升好感度,最终与自己的另一半步入婚姻礼堂。想要脱单的小伙伴门可是要来了解下啦。 《洛神》官方网站 洛神 攒好感攒大钱 想要...

Luo CGWR score CGWR:567 CGWR said the pig is doomed lonely life. In the dual perspective Xian Xia online games "goddess", game player can play to enhance the pig wife's favorability, eventually with their other half into the marriage hall. Want to take a single guy with the door but to understand. "Luo Luo" official website. Save money to save...