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你提我改 《九阳神功》手游征集MOBA改进意见

You change my "MOBA" Mobile Games nine mans power for improvements to

2015-04-09 12:11:07来源: 4399

作为国内首款以功夫竞技为主要特色的MOBA手游,九阳神功手游确定将于4月下旬进行双平台首轮测试,在游戏开测之前,官方举办了核心玩家试玩体验活动以及线上征集MOBA改进意见,玩家可以随时通过微信、微博、QQ、贴吧论坛等方式与九阳神功手游研发组进行沟通。 体验再提升 挖掘PVP深度玩法 ...

as the first martial arts competition as the main characteristics of the MOBA Mobile Games, Mobile Games nine mans power to determine the first test double platform in late April, before the game open test, the official held the core game player demo experience activities, online solicitation MOBA improvements, game player can communicate at any time, by WeChat micro-blog, QQ, Post Bar forum and nine mans power Mobile Games R & D group. Further enhance the mining depth of gameplay experience PVP...

标签: 手游