新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《冒险王2》之神兵传奇今日安卓震撼开测


"King of Adventure 2" magic legend Android shocking open test today

2015-04-08 14:10:25来源: 不凡游戏网

由知名游戏公司7k7k自主研发代理的《冒险王2》之神兵传奇今日开启安卓限号封测,全新版本在UC独家登陆!惊险刺激的野外玩法,唯美新奇的冒险地图,另有百变时装、Q萌灵兽完美适配——赴一场华丽冒险,挑战萌系格斗经典! 完美口碑 限号开测 本次安卓删档封测于今日11点在UC正式开启,仅发放...

by the company independent research and development of the well-known game 7k7k agent "adventure King 2" magic legend today open Android limit the number to measure, the new version of the exclusive landing in UC! The thrills of the field of play, beautiful new adventure map, the variety of fashion, Q adorable animals -- perfect adaptation to a magnificent adventure, challenge the adorable warrior! Perfect reputation limited number of open test this Android delete files closed beta today at 11 UC officially opened, only issued...

标签: 安卓