新关注 > 信息聚合 > 冷饭来袭 星球大战将于PS3推出两部重制作品

冷饭来袭 星球大战将于PS3推出两部重制作品

Cold rice hit star wars will be launched in two PS3 system works

2015-04-03 16:34:37来源: 新浪

近来我们经常能够听到《星球大战:前线》的一些新消息,这款作品将于4月18日的星战庆典中发布首个官方预告片,不过其并不是唯一的即将推出的星战作品。根据PEGI的审核信息来看,之后还会有两款经典星战游戏重制登陆到PS3平台,是的,你没听错,不是PS4而是PS3。 星战经典人物 黑武士达斯维...

Sina recently, we often hear "Star Wars: some news front", this work will be the Star Wars Celebration in April 18th released the first official trailer, but it is not only the Star Wars works that will be launched. According to the PEGI audit information, then there will be two classic Star Wars game re login to the PS3 platform, yes, you heard right, but not the PS4 PS3. Star Wars Darth Vader classic characters...

标签: PS 星球大战