新关注 > 信息聚合 > 年轻的心按耐不住 《滑板大冒险》评测

年轻的心按耐不住 《滑板大冒险》评测

Young heart irrepressible "skateboard adventure" evaluation of

2015-04-02 16:43:15来源: 4399

运动不管什么时候都能带给我们愉悦的心情,而运动类游戏则会让我们感受不一样的指尖激情,就像接下来的这款游戏一样,让我们的身体也随之摇摆。《滑板大冒险》是一款轻松愉快的漫画风格的滑板类游戏,简洁明朗的画面风格以及简单直接的操控体验,让我们感受最纯粹的运动魅力,下面就一起了解一下这款游戏吧。 ...

movement at all times no matter what can bring us pleasure, and sports games will let us do not feel the same passion as fingertips, the next game, we let the body will swing. "Skateboard adventure" is a lighthearted cartoon style board games, simple and clear picture of style and the manipulation is simple and direct experience, let us feel the charm of sports the most pure, here together to find out the game. ...