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While swimming game! The launch of PS4's new Sony surrounding

2015-04-02 12:00:26来源: 17173

是的,这是一个愚人节新闻,由于时差问题,索尼欧洲的同学们看起来错过了中国的愚人节,不过他们认真的恶搞精神让这则新闻充满了笑点,不妨一看。现在隆重为大家介绍索尼公司的最新PS4周边---PlayStation Flow! 这是由索尼可穿戴娱乐设备技术部门(缩写P-WET)推出的一款最新...

yes, this is an April Fool's day, due to the time difference, Sony European students seem to have missed out on China April Fool's day, but they seriously spoof spirit let the news is full of bursting point, take a look. Now was to introduce the latest PS4 Sony Corp surrounding ---PlayStation Flow! This is a Sony technical department wearable entertainment devices (P-WET) launched a new...

标签: 游戏 PS PS4 索尼