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刀塔来了同步PvP玩法将启 不是在说笑

Turret to the synchronization of PvP games will be opened not joking

2015-04-01 12:34:09来源: 4399

今天是个以搞笑整蛊为主题的舶来节日,但以复刻最经典DotA为己任的第一3D真刀塔战斗手游《刀塔来了》仍然要坚持自己认真的作风, 《刀塔来了》首创的同步PvP玩法即将全面上线,玩家们将体验到同步手动施放大招、和对方玩家斗智斗勇的竞技过程,享受真正与高手过招的感觉!因此,《刀塔来了》也被玩...

today is a funny funny as the theme of the exotic holiday, but in the most classic DotA engraved his first 3D turret turret to the "battle" Mobile Games still must adhere to their own serious style, "" the first turret to the synchronous PvP play about comprehensive on-line game player, they will experience the synchronization, and the other hand cast big game player competitive wits process, enjoy the real feeling and master! Therefore, the "turret" was also play...