新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天天酷跑愚人节不整盅 聚钻石领道具

天天酷跑愚人节不整盅 聚钻石领道具

Cool running every day, April Fool's Day is not the whole cup poly diamond collar props

2015-04-01 12:03:31来源: 4399

天天酷跑愚人节不整盅,快乐酷跑,开心领道具,酷跑福利大放送啦,登录就有多人对战道具地雷可以领取哟! 活动时间:4月1日——4月8日 活动详情:我们只能在1号到6号天每签到有288积分,超级冲锋2个,完美出击2个,能量药剂2个,月宠叮叮小熊永久一个,188积分。6天所得钻石为42钻,...

cool running every day, April Fool's Day is not happy the whole cup, cool running, happy collar props, cool running benefits big run, there are many people can log on and props for mines! Activity time: April 1st -- April 8th event details: we can only in the 1 to 6 days each sign has 288 points, super charge 2, perfect 2 energy chemical attack, 2, Ding month pet bear permanent one, 188 points. 6 days of the 42 diamond drill,...