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饥饿传奇 4399战天无双生存模式登场

Hunger legend 4399 war days unique survival mode debut

2015-03-30 19:45:19来源: 新浪

4399《战天》生存竞技场全面升级,更复杂多变的地形,更恐怖绝望的机关的生存地图已经开放,开启玛法首届传奇版饥饿游戏!未眠的杀意已被唤醒!觉醒的战神,嗜血的欲望,传奇式的杀戮谁能生存到最后?让我们一同见证玛法大陆首届饥饿游戏冠军的诞生! 4399《战天》传奇杀戮通道:http://z...

4399 "war days" survival arena upgrades in the round, more complicated, more terror organs survival map has been open, open the first version of the Hunger Games MafA legend! Dormancy of kill an idea has been awakened! The awakening of the God of war, lust for blood, legendary killing who can live to the end? Let us witness the birth of the first mainland MafA Hunger Games champion! 4399 "war days" legend kill channel: http://z...