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漫威未来之战哪个英雄好 初始英雄选择推荐

Marvel future war hero who good initial hero selection recommendation

2015-03-28 17:32:48来源: 4399

漫威未来之战(Future Fight)是一款以漫威英雄为主角的动作游戏。玩家将操控一队超级英雄进行闯关,击败所有来袭的敌人。快来和超级英雄们一起找出幕后黑手,那么哪些英雄好呢?快来和树哥一起看看吧。 1.SC 白衣女神一只,玩家在游戏中可以在关卡中解锁获得,主要的攻击技能就是普通的...

marvel the future war (Future Fight) is a marvel heroes for the protagonist's action game. Game player will control a team of super heroes are the checkpoints, beat all incoming enemies. Come and super heroes go find out behind the attacks, so what a hero? Come and have a look with tree brother. 1.SC white goddess a, game player can unlock the level in the game, the main attack is a normal...