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魔兽典藏礼包上线 联动限定炉石传说卡背

World of Warcraft archive package on-line linkage limited furnace stone legend

2015-03-28 03:11:54来源: 4399

于3月27日,战网悄悄更新了魔兽世界典藏版礼包,联动了炉石传说,暗黑破坏神3,星际争霸的各种附赠品,下面就让我们一起来看下吧。 1、炉石传说 2、魔兽世界 3、星际争霸2 4、暗黑破坏神2 5、价格 最后是价格,大家准备好买买买了吗?

card back in March 27th, updated battle.net quietly World of Warcraft edition package, linkage furnace stone legend, Diablo 3, all of the gifts StarCraft, let us work together to look at the bar. 1, furnace stone legend 2, 3, 24 World of Warcraft StarCraft, Diablo 25, the final price is the price, everybody ready to buy buy buy?

标签: 炉石传说