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神秘岛屿第五部分攻略 Cryptic Caverns攻略

The fifth part Mystery Island Raiders Raiders

2015-03-26 21:00:47来源: 4399

紧接着上一回,我们终于进入神秘岛屿的地下洞穴了,这个山洞究竟应藏着多大的秘密呢,快和波比一起深入探究这个谜题吧。 4399波比友情传送:神秘岛屿攻略大全 1、进入洞穴后,在左边桌子上找到一个布满尘土的小鸟装饰。 2、再往里走,有一台机器和两个洞口,先不管机器,进入右边的洞口。 3...

Cryptic Caverns immediately after the last time, we finally entered the mysterious Island underground cave, the cave should hide the secret of how much faster, and Bobbi together in-depth exploration of this puzzle. 4399 Bobbi friendship transfer: Mysterious Island Raiders complete 1, enter the cave, find a dusty bird decoration on the left on the table. 2, then go inside, have a machine and two openings, regardless of machine, go on the right side of the hole. 3...