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更加开放!360将亮相GMGC 2015大会

More open! 360 will be unveiled at the GMGC 2015 conference in

2015-03-26 19:40:43来源: 4399

据悉,本届GMGC大会将以“变通 融合 联接 未来”为主题,形式上保留了历届大会的经典版块,但内容上融合了组委会全新的设计,比如开发者训练营场地将扩容,授课时间延长,课件内容审核更为严格。同时360平台作为GMGC的顶级合作伙伴,将于大会期间精彩亮相,大会还首次引进独立游戏开发者大赛,为...

it is reported, the GMGC will be the "alternative fusion connecting the future" as the theme, form to retain the successive sessions of the general assembly of the classic edition, but the content on the integration of new design committee, such as developers camp site will expand, extend time teaching, courseware content review more stringent. At the same time as the GMGC 360 platform top partners, will be held during the General Assembly brilliant appearance, the general assembly also introduced for the first time independent game developers contest, as...