新关注 > 信息聚合 > LOL开黑的五大正确姿势 掌握这些分分钟虐菜!

LOL开黑的五大正确姿势 掌握这些分分钟虐菜!

Five correct posture LOL black master these minutes child dishes!

2015-03-25 11:02:31来源: 电玩巴士

“网吧五连坐,从来没赢过”是广大游戏玩家对连坐开黑的一个深刻领悟,但是五黑匹配到的也是五黑啊,为什么对面可以赢,自己却失败呢?现在我们就从五个方面来说一说开黑的状态与胜负的关联。 No.1:有交流or没交流 众所周知,LOL作为一个团队游戏,游戏内的战局瞬息万变,一个失误或者一个...

"Internet bar five sit, never win" is a profound understanding of the majority of game player to sit open black, but black, is five to five black ah, why the opposite can win, he is defeated? We state associated with the outcome from five aspects to talk about black now. No.1: AC or didn't communicate as everyone knows, LOL as a team game, game situation vary from minute to minute, a failure or a...

标签: LOL