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SCE中国总裁添田武人专访 多方面加快游戏送审

SCE Chinese President Da Takehito interview in many aspects to speed up the game

2015-03-21 06:39:00来源: 新浪

索尼PlayStation中国版在3月20日正式推出,包含PS4和PSV。在上海的首发活动现场新浪游戏独家专访了索尼电脑娱乐中国总裁添田武人先生,询问了部分国行的相关问题。 索尼电脑娱乐中国总裁添田武人 新浪游戏:国行PS4、PSV的软件定价目前分为了299元、249元、199元三个...

Sony PlayStation Chinese version officially launched in March 20th, including PS4 and PSV. The first activity site Sina game in Shanghai in an exclusive interview with the Sony computer entertainment China President Mr. Da Takehito, asked the relevant part of the problem in line. Sony Computer Entertainment President Da Takehito China Sina game: software pricing country for PS4, PSV currently points to 299 yuan, 249 yuan, 199 yuan three...

标签: 游戏