新关注 > 信息聚合 > 为卖激活码?揭秘国服代理游戏上线为何慢


Activation code for sell? Secret service agent for on-line why slow game in

2015-03-21 00:17:40来源: 17173

与外服游戏的上线速度相比,国内的代理游戏似乎总是那么“姗姗来迟”。从宣布代理到最终上线,往往要经过数年之久。那么,代理游戏的上线速度为什么那么慢呢?是真的为了赚鸡和马的钱,还是另有隐情?今天我们不妨来一探究竟。(文:17173森然小雨) 代理过程比较曲折 前些年有不少大作,在上线...

and * * Games on-line speed is compared, the domestic agent game always seems to be long in coming "". From the agent to the final announced on-line, often after a number of years. Then, acting game on-line speed why so slow? Is really to make chicken and horse money, or otherwise hidden? Today we let's take a closer look. (text: 17173 Senran rain) agent process more twists and turns in previous years, there are a lot of work, in the on-line...

标签: 游戏