新关注 > 信息聚合 > 每周安卓游戏推荐(第二十三期)


Weekly Android game recommendation (stage twenty-third)

2015-03-20 15:41:12来源: 任玩堂

本周将为大家推荐怒鸟最新作品《愤怒的小鸟思黛拉泡泡》、呆萌体育游戏《男子足球》、休闲游戏《点杀巨人》以及暴漫风格塔防游戏《喵星人大战》等6款游戏! 以下游戏均简化安装与升级游戏过程。 愤怒的小鸟系列剧情又一力作来袭,通过弹弓弹射,愤怒的思黛拉势要消灭讨厌的捣蛋猪。整款游戏充满粉红少女...

this week will recommend angry bird new works "angry birds", think della bubble stay adorable Sports Games men's football "," casual game "point" as well as the storm killed the giant comic style tower defense game "meow star people's congress battle" 6 game! The following games are simplified installation and upgrade of the game process. The bird series anger struck by another masterpiece, slingshot ejection, angry thought della potential to destroy hate rogue pig. The whole game is full of pink lady...

标签: 游戏 安卓