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电子竞技史上最严防作弊 键盘鼠标全部都上交

Electronic athletics history on the keyboard and mouse to prevent cheating all over

2015-03-16 18:19:30来源: 新浪

自打2014年中后期职业《CS:GO》圈刮起了“VAC禁赛风暴”后2014年DreamHack冬季赛主办方就曾采用一系列手段防止线下作弊,如今ESL更是极大提高了反作弊手段。 首先是参赛选手的外设在开赛前一天均需要经过一系列安全检测,而后参赛选手及随行经理需要向主办方交出所有电子设备...

since late 2014 occupation "CS:GO" VAC "circle was suspended after the 2014 DreamHack winter storm" organisers had adopted a series of measures to prevent the next line of cheating, now ESL is greatly enhances the anti cheating. The first is the contestants peripherals needed after a series of safety detection on the day before the game, then the contestants and accompanying manager needs to surrender all electronic equipment to the...

标签: 电子竞技