新关注 > 信息聚合 > 自由组装砖块角色《病病砖块》IOS版上线


Freely assembled bricks bricks "role" disease IOS version of on-line

2015-03-12 17:42:39来源: 4399

我们都知道,现在越来越多的玩具厂商如孩之宝、乐高、迪士尼都加入到了手游行列。而相比在国内名气平平的Spin Master似乎也是准备通过手游寻找契机,此前4399小编报道的一款积木题材的手游《病病砖块》现已正式上线了。 ▍ 现实与游戏世界结合 《病病砖块》在玩法上,玩家需要在现实中先...

we all know, now more and more toy companies such as Hasbro, Lego, Disney joined the ranks of Mobile Games. But in contrast to domestic famous flat Spin Master seems to be prepared by Mobile Games looking for opportunity, after 4399 small series reported a building block theme Mobile Games "disease" has been officially launched the bricks. Man of reality and game world with "bricks" disease in the gameplay, game player needs in reality first...

标签: iOS