新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《中世纪战争》评测:最纯粹的战争策略战棋


"Medieval warfare" evaluation: the most pure strategies of war Zhanqi

2015-03-12 14:14:27来源: TechWeb

一般来说战争策略类游戏都会包含一些RPG养成要素,不过今天为大家介绍的这款《中世纪战争》是纯粹的策略战棋游戏,不包含其他游戏元素。本作有诺曼底入侵、英法百年战争、英国玫瑰战争以及狮心王的十字军东征四个中世纪最为著名的战役,战争迷门可以来体验一下。 《中世纪战争:战略与战术》中招募兵员的...

general war strategy game will contain some RPG form elements, but today I will introduce to you the "medieval warfare" is pure strategy game, does not contain other elements of the game. This is the most famous battle for the Normandy invasion, the British and French the hundred years war, the wars of the roses and Lionheart Crusade four medieval war, many doors can experience. "Medieval warfare: strategy and tactics in the recruitment of soldiers"...