新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《破碎黎明2》正式登陆AppStore 开启免费下载

《破碎黎明2》正式登陆AppStore 开启免费下载

"Breaking Dawn 2" the official landing AppStore open for free download

2015-03-09 11:17:38来源: 一游网

2015年首款RPG和射击完美结合的3D手游《破碎黎明2》今日正式登陆AppStore,并会在下午开启免费下载,指尖上的末世战斗即将开启,不容错过! 【全实时动态光照效果的游戏画面】 因采用的自研游戏引擎进行游戏制作,故《破碎黎明2》拥有媲美PC端次世代的游戏画面,达到了移动平台...

2015 first RPG and shooting the perfect combination of 3D Mobile Games "Breaking Dawn 2" landing AppStore formally today, and will be open for free download in the afternoon, on the fingertips of doomsday battle is about to open, can not be missed! [picture] full real-time dynamic game the light effect by using the research game engine game production, so "Breaking Dawn 2" have comparable to the PC end of the next generation of game screen, hit the mobile platform...

标签: PS APP