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打造顺滑体验 PS4《特斯拉学徒》帧率将得平衡

Create a smooth experience PS4 "Apprentice" Tesla framerate will have to balance

2015-03-08 01:14:57来源: 逗游网

自从次时代主机发售以来,我们都在讨论两代主机之间的分辨率和帧数问题。有些人认为游戏的帧数表现在任何时候都比分辨率要来的重要和直观,那么事实真的是这样吗? 这对于Rain Games的首席设计师Ole Ivar Rudi来说也是一个问题。“这是一个关于平衡的问题。60FPS的游戏玩法对...

since times consoles, we are all in the resolution and frame problems between the two generation host discussion. Some people think that the game at any time frames performance than the resolution to the important and intuitive, so is this really the case? For the Rain Games's chief designer Ole Ivar Rudi is also a question. "This is a question of balance. The gameplay of 60FPS...

标签: PS PS4