新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《闪乱神乐EV》首发特典册子封面与内容预览图


"EV" golden God first bonus booklet cover and content preview

2015-03-09 14:07:39来源: 电玩巴士

MARVELOUS预定于3月26日发售的PSV/PS4动作游戏《闪乱神乐EV 少女们的选择》近日在其官方网站上公开了其首发特典小册子的预览图。本作的首发版将会附送原声CD、小册子一本和免费网游道具兑换码,根据此前的用户投票结果册子的封面毫无悬念地继续由雪泉出演,这次公开的预览图就是特别绘...

MARVELOUS bus is scheduled for a March 26th release PSV/PS4 action game "golden God EV girls choose" recently in its official website discloses the first bonus booklet preview. The first version will be attached to acoustic CD, a booklet and free online games props for code, according to the results of voting user previous brochure cover no suspense continues by Xuequan starred in, this public preview is a special painting...