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Attention WeChat receive "let go of the Three Kingdoms" girl day package issued

2015-03-06 20:18:36来源: 天极网

名称:《放开那三国》女生节礼包 礼包内容:金币*100、宠物中级书*3 、紫色礼物包*2 免战牌*5 礼包使用期限:2015.3.5-2015.3.19 游戏介绍:《放开那三国》是一款三国题材卡牌手游,在传统卡牌游戏基础上对玩点和系统进行优化改革,使玩家可以更轻松的享受Q版三...

Name: "let go of the Three Kingdoms" girl day gift package contents: gold *100, pet intermediate book *3, purple gift package *2 truce flag *5 package service life: 2015.3.5-2015.3.19 game introduction: "let go of the Three Kingdoms" is a theme card brand Mobile Games, in the traditional card game based on the play and optimize the system reform, make the game player can enjoy a more relaxed version of Q three...