新关注 > 信息聚合 > 巾帼不让须眉:新一代宅男女神必须要会打lol吗


Nei: a new generation of Indoorsman goddess must play lol

2015-03-06 16:26:41来源: 巴士LOL

你可能听过身旁的男性朋友抱怨,电玩游戏进行到一半却被女友Gank,彷佛来到人生的交叉路口,一边是荣耀,另一边却是爱情,顿时天人交战,积分与女友全都在一念之间!只能事后嚷嚷着说:「若有个会一起游戏的女友该有多好,但是会玩游戏的女生太少了。」 ▲会打电玩游戏的女性,在男孩子眼中魅力加成!...

you may have heard the side male friends complain about halfway through the game, but his girlfriend Gank, intersection as came to life, one side is the glory, the other side is love, suddenly the battle between nature and man, integral and girlfriend all in an idea! Only after loudly said: "if there is a meeting with the game's girlfriend should have much good, but will play the game too little girls. "" will play video games women, plus in the boys' eyes charm!...

标签: LOL