新关注 > 信息聚合 > 本周MC软硬件销量 DQ英雄双版本合计59万登顶

本周MC软硬件销量 DQ英雄双版本合计59万登顶

This week the MC software and hardware sales of DQ double version of a total of 590000 top hero

2015-03-05 15:43:51来源: 电玩巴士

本周游戏总销量79.3万套,和上周相比有明显上升。虽然新榜新作只有《勇者斗恶龙:英雄 暗龙与世界树之城》、《结城友奈是勇者:树海的记忆》、《魔鬼爱人:暗黑命运》和《女仆咖啡帕露菲》4款,但销量却占总销量高达78%。 本周最热门的新作当然是日本“国民级RPG”正统外传《勇者斗恶龙:英雄...

game this week total sales volume of 793000 sets, and had the obvious rise compared with last week. Although the new list only "New Dragon Quest Heroes: Dark Dragon and the world city of trees", "Yuki Yuna is brave in the woods", "memory: Demon Lover: dark fate" and "maid Coffee Parfait" paragraph 4, but sales have accounted for the total sales volume of up to 78%. This week the most popular new course is Japan's "national level RPG" orthodox rumored "Dragon Quest: hero...