新关注 > 信息聚合 > 力压近百款作品!纪念碑谷获IMGA“最佳游戏”头衔


Beat nearly 100 works! Monument Valley won the "best games" title IMGA

2015-03-05 20:26:42来源: 4399

在昨晚GDC大会举办的活动当中,IMGA(国际移动游戏大奖赛)公布了第11届大赛的各奖项得主。其中Ustwo旗下的人气解谜游戏《纪念碑谷》不负众望,力压进入决赛圈的另外92款游戏,一举夺得了当晚最令人瞩目的“最佳游戏”的头衔。 上架于2014年4月份的《纪念碑谷》是一款探索解谜游戏。...

GDC conference held in last night activities, IMGA (International Mobile Games Awards) announced the winner of the eleventh contest award. The Ustwo's popular puzzle game "Monument Valley" deliver the goods, forcing into another 92 game finals, won the the most eye-catching "best games" title. Shelves in 2014 April "Monument Valley" is an exploration of the puzzle game. ...

标签: 游戏 纪念碑谷