新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《纪念碑谷》的星辰大海:一直被模仿从未被超越


"The sea of stars Monument Valley": has been imitation has never been beyond

2015-03-04 09:38:52来源: 任玩堂

巧妙地运用了矛盾空间和视觉欺骗原理的迷宫设计,清新自然到每一帧的截图能够当做壁画的游戏画面,老幼皆宜把控精确的游戏难度——凭借这些因素,解谜游戏 Monument Valley 《纪念碑谷》自上架之后,获得的美誉数不胜数。 它不仅得到了游戏界的专业认可和赞赏,人民群众的口碑也是杠杠的。...

clever use of maze design contradiction space and visual deception principle, fresh and natural to each frame in the screenshot to as murals of the game screen, is suitable for the old and young put the game control accurate difficult -- depending on these factors, the puzzle game Monument Valley "Monument Valley" from the shelves after, get the reputation beyond count. It has been not only the games industry professional recognition and appreciation, the masses of the people is also a reputation leverage. ...

标签: 纪念碑谷