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萝莉御姐全都有 韩KOG新作《AIMA》最终封测实施中

Lolita strong woman all have

2015-03-03 17:54:33来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 新浪游戏讯 由韩国KOG开发,NEXON KOREA代理的MMORPG《Aima: Chronicle Of Terahnoir》,在2015年2月26日-3月8日期间实施最终封测。 《Aima》 本次,官方公开了封测最新消息,视频还展示了职业“ARC...

Han Sina video "AIMA" KOG new final packaging and testing in the implementation of loading, please wait... Sina game news by Korea KOG development, NEXON KOREA MMORPG Aima: Chronicle Of agent "Terahnoir", the implementation of the final beta in February 26, 2015 -3 month 8 days period. "Aima" this time, the official discloses the beta of the latest news, the video also shows occupation "ARC...

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