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"Resident Evil: Apocalypse 2" can be shivering edge kill zombies

2015-03-02 17:25:53来源: 新浪

许多游戏都会给玩家提供人物动作表情,不过大多数时候用起来都傻傻的。不过在《生化危机:启示录2》里,跳舞动作可是有实际用途的。它能杀人。 生化危机启示录哆嗦杀僵尸 没有血槽是吗?这是Raid模式,效仿MMO里的Raid概念,玩家杀掉大批敌人获得物品奖励。随着角色升级,他们可以解锁新的...

many games will give the game player to provide action figure expression, but most of the time used up all the silly. But in "Resident Evil: Apocalypse" in 2, but the actual use of the dance movements. It can kill a man. Biochemical crisis zombie apocalypse shiver no blood slot is? This is the mode of Raid, follow the MMO Raid concept, game player kill large numbers of the enemy get bonus items. With the upgrade of the role, they can unlock new...

标签: 生化危机