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粗发吧英雄 《魔兽战纪》评测

The thick bar hero "Warcraft" legacy "legacy" evaluation of

2015-02-17 07:21:39来源: 4399

《魔兽战纪》是一款呆萌可爱的RPG游戏,此魔兽非彼魔兽,虽然其中也有牧师,但跟PC端上的网游魔兽还是有着天壤之别的,故事讲诉着邪恶的巫妖再次重生了,大地被黑暗和死亡笼罩,各地的英雄们集结在一起,向邪恶的巢穴挺进。光听着就有趣,那就快跟上西瓜小编的步伐来一睹为快吧。 别看本作的游戏名字如...

world of Warcraft is a lovely stay adorable RPG game, world of Warcraft is not the world of Warcraft, although it is a priest, but with the PC end of the online world of Warcraft there is a big difference between a story, an evil Lich once again gave birth to, the earth is the darkness and the shadow of death, all the heroes assembled together, to the den of evil into the. Listen to interesting, it is fast to keep up with the pace of watermelon Xiaobian to see it faster. Don't look at the game name such as...