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DNF大富翁活动攻略 玩竞速的别进来好吗

DNF millionaire Raiders play racing activities don't come in

2015-02-10 16:50:27来源: 太平洋游戏网

DNF大富翁活动时间为2015年2月10日-3月21日,Lv41级以上的角色每天登录游戏时可以获得3次进入机会。那么大富翁活动有哪些奖励呢?小编这里为大家介绍下,希望大家遵守规则,享受游戏! 投掷骰子的时候,大家不要用空格键来投,可能会导致掉线黑屏等等,用鼠标点击投掷就没事~ 活动奖...

DNF monopoly activities in time for the February 10, 2015 -3 month 21 days, Lv41 level above the role of every log in the game can be 3 times to enter the opportunity. So the millionaire activities what reward? Xiaobian here to introduce, hope you abide by the rules, play and enjoy! Time to throw the dice, we do not use the space bar to vote, may lead to drop the black screen and so on, use the mouse to click on the throwing all right ~ activity award...

标签: DNF