新关注 > 信息聚合 > 微信广告靠用户赚钱,PP助手3.1安卓版为用户赚钱


WeChat advertising by the user to make money, PP helper 3.1 Android version for users to make money

2015-02-06 16:46:29来源: DoNews

近期微信朋友圈的广告沸沸扬扬,各种发声层出不穷,当“没有一点点防备”的用户经历了第一次宝马、可口可乐、VIVO的洗礼,第二轮OPPO、福特大数据精准投放的愚弄,上周末第三轮又迎来了豪车凯迪拉克,你是否对微信这种靠给用户推送广告曝光来赚钱的行为从惊奇转为无奈呢? 同期,PP助手3.1安...

recently WeChat circle of friends raise a Babel of criticism of advertising, various vocal emerge in an endless stream, as "not a little protection against" the user experiences the first baptism, Coca-Cola, BMW VIVO, the second round of OPPO, Ford large data accurate delivery of the fool, on the weekend of the third round ushered in the car Cadillac, whether you to WeChat this by giving users push exposure to make money from surprise to behavior helplessness advertising? Over the same period, PP helper 3.1...

标签: 安卓