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The whole network's first television net swims "fighting arena" exposure

2015-02-06 12:34:26来源: 中关村在线

近日有消息曝出,武侠格斗网游《格斗江湖》将推出电视版,这意味着全网首款全手柄操作的动作类电视网游巨作或即将面世! 在消息传出不久,就有眼尖的网友从某盒子上发现《格斗江湖》电视版,为玩家抢先爆料独家截图,虽然官方还未给出确切言辞,但几张照片已引来玩家猜测--网游将跨入电视平台! 其...

recently news leaked, the net swims "martial arts combat fighting arena" will launch the TV Version, which means the action TV online giant full network's first full handle or forthcoming! In the news in the future, there is sharp eyed Netizens found "fighting arena" the TV version from a box, for the game player first broke the exclusive screenshot, although the official has not given the exact words, but a few pictures has attracted game player guessing - online games will enter the TV platform! The...

标签: 网游