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DNF韩服剑魂改版点评 强势崛起不可挡

DNF hanbok soul Calibur revision comments strong rise unstoppable

2015-02-02 10:11:19来源: 太平洋游戏网

DNF韩服在前一段进行了第三次全职业平衡性改版,也叫TB(third balance)改版。剑魂在这次改版之后有一些技能上面的变化,按照E哥的理解,剑魂这次真的是加强了,那么普通剑魂玩家的观点是什么样的呢?一起来看看吧! 如题、下次改版内容已经出现、很多人八分明白、那么我们聊一下详细...

DNF hanbok in the previous paragraph conducted third full occupation balance correcting, also called TB (third balance) revision. Soul Calibur change some skill in this website, in accordance with the E brother understand, soul Calibur this really is strengthened, so ordinary soul Calibur game player's view is what kind of? Come have a look! Such as the title, the next revision content has appeared, a lot of people eight understand, then we talk with...

标签: DNF