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网游界的“传奇” 品味十年未老的经典

The online games industry "legend" taste ten years not old classic

2015-01-29 18:53:33来源: 新浪

“2015”意味着什么?对于无数游戏玩家而言,它意味着即将见证中国网游史上两款“十年经典”的诞生——2005年,《魔兽世界》正式登陆中国,《完美世界》也于当年正式运营。至此,“中国网游十年俱乐部”继《传奇》系列、《西游》系列之后,再添新成员。 十年,“西游”还在西游,“传奇”已成传奇...

"2015" means what? For numerous game player, it means that the net swims is about to witness a Chinese history two "ten classic" was born -- in 2005, "World of Warcraft" the official landing China, "perfect world" is also in the same year the official operation. At this point, "China online games for ten years following the" club "legend" series, "Westward Journey" series, add new members. In ten years, "journey to the west" is still in journey to the west, "legend" has become a legend...

标签: 网游