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承载回忆的Boss 《冒险岛2》扎昆登场!

Bearing the memories of the Boss "Adventure Island 2" pick debut!

2015-01-28 12:51:58来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 《冒险岛2》CBT测试刚刚结束,在前作《冒险岛》里面,大BOSS-扎昆就已经赚足了眼球。而扎昆在《冒险岛2》中的再次登场,更是让玩家们兴奋不已!快来虽小编一起看看韩媒的最新情报吧! 想要与扎昆来一个正面交锋,首先需要进入Pellionia下段狩猎场,名叫...

Sina video loading, please wait... "Adventure Island 2" CBT testing has just ended, as "island adventure" inside before, big BOSS- pick had to earn sufficient eyeball. And pick in the "Adventure Island 2" again in the debut, more is to let the game player excitement! Come and have a look small make up together the latest intelligence Korean media! Want to pick a confrontation, first of all need to enter the Pellionia section of the hunting field, named...

标签: 冒险岛