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冰天雪地群魔乱舞 《Kill Strain》游戏设定图

After a world of ice and snow Demons and monsters danced like mad. "Kill Strain" game set map

2015-01-27 01:00:33来源: 逗游网

索尼早前注册的一个商标“Kill Strain”之后,近日终于公布了和商标有关的情报了。本作由索尼的San Diego工作室开发,将为PS4平台独占的上帝视角多人游戏,计划明年公布。 《Kill Strain(杀死斯特兰,暂译)》将为一款5V5的对战游戏,玩家要在冰天雪地的苔原中进行...

Sony earlier registered Kill Strain," has finally released information and trademark related. The San Diego studio by the development Sony, God perspective multiplayer will PS4 platform for the exclusive, plan next year. "Kill Strain (kill Zittrain, provisional translation)" will be a 5V5 game, game player to be in a world of ice and snow in the tundra...

标签: 游戏 AI