新关注 > 信息聚合 > 模拟经营《哆啦A梦修理工场》安卓中文版推出


Simulation of the operation of "Doraemon repair workshop" Android Chinese edition launched

2015-01-25 15:44:11来源: 4399

《哆啦A梦修理工场》(Doraemon Repair Shop)是一款以人气动漫《哆啦A梦》为题材的模拟经营养成类手游。游戏主要是经营一个修理工厂,将废弃物重新变回可用的东西。该作的中文版现已正式推出,一起来看下吧! ▊ 与多啦A梦开工场 在这款作品中,游戏的主角当然是我们熟悉的哆啦...

"Doraemon repair workshop" (Doraemon Repair Shop) is a popular cartoon "to Doraemon" simulation of the operation as the subject matter of the form class Mobile Games. The game is mainly operating a repair factory, will waste again thing. For the Chinese version has been officially launched, see together! And Dora A dream to open factories in this work, the protagonist of the game is of course familiar duo...

标签: 安卓