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创意清新独立游戏《鲤》众筹成功 发布之期指日可待

Creative fresh independent game "carp" crowdfunding successful release period point the day and await for it

2015-01-20 11:13:10来源: 4399

前段时间,我们曾报道过国内一款风格清新的独立游戏《鲤》在摩点网发起众筹的事件,而据我们得到最新消息,目前该游戏已经筹集到10634元项目资金,达到了预期的1万元目标。 《鲤》是一款清新唯美的创意手游,讲述一条小锦鲤在池塘中探索并寻找同伴,进化水中世界的过程。传说七彩光鱼曾是管理河流的使...

some time ago, we reported that the domestic a fresh style independent game "carp" launched a crowdfunding events in the friction point network, and as far as we get the latest news, at present the game has been raised to 10634 yuan of project funds, to the expected target of 10000 yuan. "Carp" is a fresh aesthetic ideas Mobile Games, tells the story of a small carp in the pond in exploring and looking for companions, the evolutionary process water world. The legend of light color fish was the management of river...

标签: 游戏 众筹