新关注 > 信息聚合 > 制作人谈最终幻想15:试玩版不是驾驶游戏


Producer on final fantasy 15: demo version is not driving game

2015-01-19 16:26:56来源: 新浪

视频加载中,请稍候... 三月发售的《最终幻想 零式HD》将附带《最终幻想15》的首个体验版,尽管购买首日限定版的玩家才有机会,但对于等了太久的玩家来说,很多人都迫不及待想知道游戏的真面目,哪怕只是短暂的试玩。 制作人谈FF15试玩版:最终幻想不是驾驶游戏 而制作人田畑端在接受...

Sina video loading, please wait... The March release of "Final Fantasy type-0 HD" will be attached to the "Final Fantasy 15" experience the first version, though the purchase on the first day of limited edition game player had the opportunity, but to wait too long for the game player a lot of people are unable to hold oneself back, want to know the true face of the game, even if it is only a short demo. Producer on FF15 Demo: final fantasy is not driving game and producer Tian Tianduan in accept...

标签: 游戏 最终幻想