新关注 > 信息聚合 > 欧洲任天堂推出3DS新服务“任天堂动画频道”


The European Nintendo launched a new 3DS service "Nintendo animation channel"

2015-01-19 16:20:31来源: 电玩巴士

任天堂在上周面向欧洲的直面会上公布了3DS新服务“任天堂动画频道”。 在频道中可以免费观看到不少动画,目前还没有在日本和美国展开对应服务的计划。 动画频道预计将于2月13日登陆eShop,目前公开的动画包括星之卡比、口袋妖怪和闪电十一人。

Nintendo last week in Europe oriented face will be published on the new 3DS service "Nintendo animation channel". In the channel can be free to watch a lot of animation, there is no corresponding services launched in Japan and America plan. Animation channel is expected to be landed in eShop in February 13th, the current open animation including Kirby, Pokemon and lightning eleven.

标签: 任天堂