新关注 > 信息聚合 > 在线体验糟糕 《士官长合集》玩家获免费补偿

在线体验糟糕 《士官长合集》玩家获免费补偿

The online experience bad "Sergeant collection" game player to receive the free compensation

2015-01-19 14:11:00来源: 新浪

微软为所有在12月19日前进行过在线游戏的《光环:士官长合集》玩家补偿一个月免费金会员。 为游戏刚发售时糟糕的在线体验进行道歉。所有符合补偿资格的玩家都会收到Xbox Live短信。 《光环:士官长合集》 除了免费金会员以外,根据去年的官方公告,《光环:士官长合集》的玩家还会获得独...

Microsoft for all before 19 December to carry on the online game "Halo: Sergeant collection" game player compensation of one month free gold membership. For online games just released bad experience to apologize. All in accordance with the compensation qualification game player will receive a Xbox Live message. "Halo: Sergeant collection" in addition to free gold membership last year, according to the official announcement, "Halo: Sergeant collection" of the game player will get alone...

标签: 玩家