新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《使命召唤11》玩家恶意自杀将被封号


"Call of duty 11" game player malicious Dutch act will result in

2015-01-19 14:11:00来源: 新浪

《使命召唤11:高级战争》对于Sledgehammer Games来说绝对算是一个巨大的成功。这款FPS类游戏在目前已经卖出了约1700万份,堪称惊人。但游戏卖得好并不意味着游戏问题就少,游戏制作人Michael Condrey就在不久前的一篇博客中聊到了游戏匹配和游戏中自杀的两个问题。...

"call of duty 11: Senior war" was a huge success for Sledgehammer Games absolute count. This FPS game at present has sold about 17000000 copies, is amazing. But the game sold well doesn't mean the game problem is less, game producer Michael Condrey in a blog recently talked to two problems, Dutch act game and game. ...

标签: 玩家