新关注 > 信息聚合 > 天龙八部3D神器怎么制造培养属性效果介绍攻略及..


Denon eight 3D artifact how manufacturing culture attribute effect introduced Raiders and..

2015-01-19 03:36:38来源: 齐齐乐

天龙八部3D神器怎么制造培养属性效果介绍。天龙八部3D神器获得方式,天龙八部3D新版即将上线了,新版上传全新玩法制作神器,我们可以制作属于自己的专属神器,那么神器怎么获得呢? 神器制造: 神节碎片通过新副本获得 目前85的神器一共需要360个(一个85神节一个75神节) ,金币需要2...

Denon eight 3D artifact how manufacturing culture attribute effect is introduced. Denon eight 3D artifact obtains the way, Denon eight 3D version of the new version coming online, upload a new play making artifact, we can make the exclusive artifact belonging to their own, so how to get the artifact? Artifact manufacturing: God Festival fragments obtained by new copy currently artifact need a total of 360 (85 A 85 God Festival a 75 God Festival), gold needs 2...